Maes Mynan Holiday Park, in Flintshire, North Wales, shares the echoes of history within its development. Histories spanning centuries have not been ignored when creating a special haven for holiday homeowners. Maes Mynan Holiday Park, as a new development, has absorbed the natural beauty of the area to ensure holiday homes make the most of the stunning countryside. Maes Mynan is a paradise that’s still a hidden gem with amazing far-reaching views and a southerly aspect to make the most of the sunshine.
‘Maes Mynan Holiday Park – Echoed Histories’ is written by Verien Wiltshire and is a true testament to the wonders of the natural beauty of this countryside holiday park.
Maes Mynan Holiday Park – It’s hard to believe what it once was.
The first time I walked around the old sand quarry, that is now a beautiful countryside holiday park, my senses were struck from every direction. The hidden echoes of history were evident at every turn and offered a huge hug from nature too.
The simple act of opening my car door, leaving behind my comfortable and cosy heated seat, stepping out into the North Wales air at Maes Mynan Park, was like an affectionate embrace from Mother Nature herself: a fabulous open welcome.
Walking around the hundred or so acres at Maes Mynan Holiday Park is always the same – an explosion of my senses, where the sensory interaction that my body experiences is so captivating, hypnotic and humbling.
It’s an undeniably deep response that is triggered whenever I explore the Park. It’s easy to say “it’s the stunning views”, but when you see it for yourself, you don’t need to wonder why it is called ‘Little Switzerland’ locally!
I was reminded of The Sound of Music that first time I set my eyes on the rolling hills, that fade into the distance (I have been known to try some yodelling only to be met with a resounding moo and baa from distant fields and the tone was not asking for an encore!).
I’m blown away by the sounds of birdsong, the trickling streams, the rustic scents of the earth and the myriad of wild flowers that abound to excite my senses.
But it’s more than that. It goes beyond the delicate aromas that the seasons bring dancing to my nose. Wild garlic found deep in the woodland inspires me to be more daring with my foraged cooking and the beautifully mowed grass sends me reminiscing back to childhood summer days. And, my auditory receptors sharpen with the multitude of bird song, the perfect overture to any walk out.
It’s something deep within the landscape. It’s the respect for the land’s history that is felt. A history paper was published on the local area and Maes Mynan is known to have once been the palace (Llys in Welsh) and hunting grounds of the last Princes of Wales back in the early 12th century.
It’s easy to imagine hardy hogs, stags and deer, darting away from horse-bound Princes across the brook and racing between the old oak trees that stood much younger and more slender than their now wizened heavy-set frames. But books and stories told through others’ eyes can’t give Maes Mynan Park its truly special feel.
It’s the more recent history that adds depth to the emotions that are evoked; it’s Peter’s history with the land; it’s his footsteps as a child and young man that are imprinted on the park; his teenage years of dirt-bike tracks that are carved into the land and his current energy of almost single-handedly restoring the eighty acres or so, from its quarry days to a luxury holiday park. It’s his intricate knowledge of the land from walking, riding and running it over decades that has allowed him to truly feel and respect what nature offers Maes Mynan. Furthermore, it’s his mother’s and his childhood journey over the hills, to and from school, back and forth running errands and the legend of his grandfather who once owned part of the land many years ago.
Today it is Peter’s canvas to balance the natural beauty of Maes Mynan Holiday Park to create a sensitively private place for others to enjoy. His creativity makes the most of the space he creates for holiday homes with the help of Mother Nature – perfect for those seeking a country escape for their holiday homeownership.

Not only that, but it is this current history that is the most significant: it echoes through the careful and loving transformation and re-birthing of the estate. It makes Maes Mynan a Holiday Park like no other. Peter is passionate about Maes Mynan Holiday Park and wants others to share the love of the land with him: to have the opportunity to make their own marks and carve their own memories and become part of its transient history.
It is Peter and Louise’s contribution to this special place, that capitalises on creating a country retreat for those seeking somewhere unspoilt to enjoy their holidays and free-time in their own holiday homes.
As custodians of this historic place, they have retained traces and echoes of the past to create a hidden gem that offers exclusive holiday homeownership to those who love the natural beauty of the great outdoors.

If you’d like to find out more about our holiday homes for sale, please call us on 07836522444 or email info@nullacornleisure.com. You can find us here.