So what does 2025 have in stall for us?
As we see the old year out and welcome the new year in, we often reflect on what has passed and what is to come. This is true for everyone, and it doesn’t matter if it is in our personal, family or business lives.
- “And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.” Rainer Maria Rilke
- “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” T.S. Eliot
- “We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” Hillary DePiano
- “Don’t wait until February to start living in January.” Anthony T. Hincks

Acorn Leisure in 2024
So with a quick re-cap on 2024, let’s delve into some of Acorn Leisure Life achievements over the last 12 months.
We’ve had some wonderful new holiday homeowners join us at Misty Waters Holiday Park and Maes Mynan Park. It’s also been sad to see some leave us due to ill health, especially as they have been with us from the beginning (in some cases 20 years). So a warm welcome to all our newcomers and we wish them many happy years with us to come, making memories in the beautiful North Wales countryside.
Acorn Leisure supported Beverley Leisure Homes (a small family run caravan and lodge manufacturer) with their first North Wales trade show in March. Raising their profile alongside Maes Mynan Park was all part of the plan and it worked well as a partnership promotion. Feedback from others in the industry was positive and gave everyone food for thought for 2025!
May 11th & 12th saw our first Holiday Home Open Day at Maes Mynan Park. This was the first time Acorn Leisure have ever opened their doors to such an event. It took a lot of planning and with Beverley Leisure Homes , Omar Lodge Manufacturers, Pemberton, Regal and Lloyds Caravans, we were able to boost online promotion and social media reach. To make the event more appealing to our holiday homeowners, too, we invited a variety of artisan crafts and food producers to join us over the two-day event. This really helped make the weekend a fun and relaxed experience for everyone. The Acorn Leisure Team worked tirelessly to make the event a success. The manufacturers who attended to promote their holiday homes. The stallholders (CariadGin, Touch Art, Buttercup – The Vintage Street Food Caravan Bluebell – The Vintage Sweet Food Caravan Gill Benjamin ArtworkMoel Famau Donkeys Lady R. Boutique Shlizzy Oriel Glasfryn Gallery Touch Art NightingaleArt Ffynnon Beuno Tree Bee Apothecary Coastal_craft_design Vanilla Jewellery Come to Wales Pretty Welsh Clay, LLane Ebikes, Shlizzy, Beeches Meats Daniel Morris Butchers Mynydd Sleddog Adventures Mug Run, all loved the venue and its visual calming and peaceful panoramic countryside backdrop. Everyone who attended enjoyed the weekend, basking in the most incredible weather. In fact, it was the warmest sunshine we had all year!
The weather of 2024 was generally a disappointment for many. It was wet and windy for most of it, something the Romans often complained about over 2000 years ago! The early storms of the year unfortunately scuppered our nesting geese, who never returned for the rest of the season.
However, on the upside, the North Wales countryside looked beautifully green! Moel Y Parc and the Clwydian Range enjoyed a purplish hue like no other, and our lakes at Maes Mynan Park were full to plentiful! We even had a range of birds of prey visit. Besides the buzzards, we welcomed hawks and a pair of red kites – a rarity indeed. We even had families of partridge roaming at times.

Adam and Harry have been working on creating a new mini circular walk opposite the Maes Mynan Park office, where planting and seating will eventually be installed for quiet reflection. This has involved substantial tree work and the removal of acres of brambles! Watch this space in 2025 to see what grows organically now the under story has been exposed. Also, the native hazel trees have more light to grow, too!
Tree work and clearance was also a necessity on Misty Waters Holiday Park and Ty Bont Caravan Park. One thing we get when it rains so much is tree growth that needs to be managed. This is to benefit the health of the tree as well as their surrounding holiday homeowners.
Grass cutting, especially at Maes Mynan Park has been a challenge around the lakes this year, due to the high percentage of rain and the steep banks. The teasels have thrived, though, as have the Evening Primrose flowers. Neither seem particularly bothered by the weather!
So as 2024 drew to a close, we all felt like hibernating, because although it was warm, it was again wet and windy. So as we enter 2025, we hope for a dryer, warmer and sunnier clime for this area of North Wales!
Acorn Leisure Plans for 2025
2025 has arrived with a windy, snowy and wet start. We were promised a smattering of snow! Winters are never really winters without the white stuff.
Acorn Leisure is looking forward to lots of exciting mini projects this year.
Adam and Harry will be planting more trees and creating a Hydrangea walkway with the help of one of our holiday homeowners. So look out for new walkways as you explore Maes Mynan Parkland.
The highlight for 2025 will probably be on the 12th July (save the date). That’s the day we will be hosting an open garden for the National Gardens Scheme, a worthwhile charity who makes donations to other significant charities. To make the day even more exciting, we will be inviting a range of artisan and food stalls to join us, and this year we have plenty of time to prepare!
At Maes Mynan Park, we will carry on with the development and we plan to finish the lodge park area with the final five bases, before tarmacking the roads.
Ongoing maintenance of the grounds at Misty Waters Holiday Park and Maes Mynan Park will no doubt throw up some interesting opportunities along the way for planting new trees and shrubs.
Adam and Vee will explore opportunities for events in the Sequoia woodland – so watch this space and support them along the way.
So 2025 is looking exciting for everyone who is part of Acorn Leisure Life!

What are your personal plans for 2025?
I suspect there will be many personal challenges for everyone in 2025. So it’s going to be about finding the positivity in all that is thrown at us. The global, political, economic and health challenges will be different for everyone, some will find it daunting, others not so much. The weather and Mother Nature will hopefully give us a helping hand this year!
Finding a happy quiet place to reflect and plan will be an essential part of finding an inner balance that promotes positivity and happiness.
Nature and the countryside offers that!
It has been medically proven that nature and open outdoor spaces is good for our mental and physical health. That’s why making time and taking as many opportunities to visit your holiday home in the North Wales countryside, be it on Maes Mynan Park, Misty Waters Holiday Park or Ty Bont Caravan Park, should be your number one priority in 2025. Think of it as your own prescription for recharging your physical and mental well-being:-)
We look forward to seeing you out and about in 2025. Enjoy your year and find happiness wherever and whenever you can.
All the best for 2025 and make the most of every day!