Happy St Davids Day to you all.
St Davids Day is always a great start to the season. March 1st is a sign spring is approaching – the colourful yellow daffodil bobbing mightily in the wind, whatever the weather.
The daffodil always offers a ray of sunshine on a dull grey day and is a superb national flower for Wales, which is why we wear them on St. Davids Day!
St Davids Day marks the death of St. David in the 6th Century. He was canonised in the 12th century and is the only native patron saint born in Britain and Ireland (and his father was a Welsh King).
St David is believed to have been a vegetarian and thrived on leeks. He also arranged for welsh soldiers fighting the Anglo-Saxons at the time, to wear a leak on their helmets, so that they could be identified as friends not foes. This also meant the leek became a long held strong symbol of Wales, alongside the daffodil (both of which you will see at an international rugby game in which Wales is playing).
Now Spring is marching towards us, we look forward to welcoming you to your holiday homes.
To book a tour, please email us on info@nullacornleisure.com or call us on 01352720808 or 07917876819.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.